It's All Hitting The Fan Now
You weren't wrong, just early.

Many of us knew this time was coming.
It’s still disturbing.
The richest man in the world is sending his tech troops into all kinds of government offices, trying to access sensitive information and threatening anyone who resists with violence, then ousting them. Government agencies have essentially trapped transgender people here by banning their passports, and the most popular podcast host in the country urges restaurants to fire anyone who’s still wearing a mask—because it threatens his sense of personal freedom. Meanwhile, trade wars might break out as two of our biggest economic partners, Canada and Mexico, pledge retaliatory tariffs against the U.S.
Trump says Americans might feel “some pain.”
As if we haven’t already…
Then, of course, there’s the largest outbreak of tuberculosis in national history building as another pandemic looms over us—and public health officials are quibbling over word choice.
And you’ve got to wonder, who’s inspecting the food?
So you can understand why some of us are tuning out the hourly noise of confirmation hearings and outrage spam to focus on the bigger picture items described above. Some of us have endured relentless ridicule and shame over the last few years for trying to warn everyone. Now that it’s happening, it feels strange. If there’s even the slightest sense of vindication, it’s fleeting. And even though we did our best to prepare, it still feels like we didn’t do enough.
Here’s a list of everything I’ve been working on to get ready for when it all hits the fan at once. I’ve collected my prepping articles into a list down at the bottom, plus additional notes on newer projects. I think we still have a little time. Honestly, I don’t really care how “doomy” it sounds at this point. If you can do any of this, you should do it. And you should try to help others.
Here’s my list: