Religion, Protests, Old Vaccines, and Five-Minute Coffee
There's several new stories up on the site that speak to the anger and dread everyone feels right now.

There's several new stories up on the site that speak to the anger and dread everyone feels right now. The world keeps sacrificing its values and dignity to achieve an elusive normal, while the problems we refuse to address continue to erupt in death, sickness, and chaos all over the world.
First, Nate Bear exposes a plan by the British government to pass off old, outdated Covid vaccines on its most vulnerable populations.

The propaganda just doesn't let up. I've got a piece digging further into efforts by western governments to obscure or outright hide vital information about the threat that Covid still poses to us all. In their most insidious move, the CDC has changed how they calculate excess deaths. They even made it retroactive, in order to cover their tracks, but they still can't erase the truth:

Cuca Esteves talks about losing the right to protest around the world, as neoliberal governments crack down on dissent.

The recent atrocities in Israel and Gaza have the world more divided than ever. Geoff Deihl reminds us about the importance of context. We have to listen to our emotions, but we can't let them override us.

Scroll down or visit the site, and you'll see some other recent stories. As the world slips further into irreversible global warming, Americans seem to care the most about their own personal salvation, and their Starbucks. This is exactly where the overlords of capitalism want everyone.

One last thing:
OK Doomer is launching a subscription drive for the rest of the year. Currently, we have 18,000 free subscribers and about 1,700 paid members. It would be really nice if we could get that up to 3,000. That would ensure the site stays up and running, and that we keep publishing good work.
Here's some highlights from the last year:

Keep it real,